1. Zig is an an emergent general-purpose programming language. Being "a better C", Zig is an order of magnitude simpler than Rust. You can understand Zig code almost immediately if you can read C. It makes Zig a good candidate to implement FFI extensions for Ruby.

    Let's write a tiny little Zig library and call it via FFI from Ruby.

    A Zig function with parameters passed "by value" is too simple for our example. To complicate the matter a bit, we will implement a function with "out" parameters to return a collection of structs from Zig to Ruby. In order to simplify domain, let our function to return a collection of random X:Y points. Our build.zig might look like:

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
        const lib = b.addSharedLibrary("points", "src/main.zig", .unversioned);

    Since library versioning doesn't directly relate to the topic, we leave the lib unversioned. Please also note that we link LibC. It allows us to use std.heap.c_allocator to allocate memory for points.

    A function to generate a collection of points has signature export fn generatePoints(addr_ptr: *usize, len_ptr: *u8) bool. There is no mechanism to simply return a collection as a function return value. Thus we need two "out" function parameters:

    • an address of the collection (addr_ptr)
    • collection length (len_ptr)
    Let's attach the function to a Ruby module:

    class Point < FFI::Struct
      layout :x, :uchar,
             :y, :uchar
    module PointsLib
      extend FFI::Library
      ffi_lib "zig-out/lib/libpoints.so"
      attach_function :generatePoints, [ULongPtr, UCharPtr], :bool

    ULongPtr and UCharPtr is a couple of auxiliary classes we introduce nearby.

    class ULongPtr < FFI::Struct
      layout :value, :ulong
    class UCharPtr < FFI::Struct
      layout :value, :char

    They allow us to handle the "out" parameters more elegantly. Just note that, attaching and using the function, we don't directly mention Point.

    addr_ptr = ULongPtr.new
    len_ptr  = UCharPtr.new
    PointsLib.generatePoints(addr_ptr, len_ptr) or raise("Error in Zig")
    addr, len  = addr_ptr[:value], len_ptr[:value]

    It is time to write Zig code.

    const Point = extern struct {
        x: i8,
        y: i8,
    export fn generatePoints(addr_ptr: *usize, len_ptr: *u8) bool {
        var rnd = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(std.crypto.random.int(u64)).random();
        var len = rnd.int(u8);                                                    // 1
        var points = std.heap.c_allocator.alloc(Point, len) catch return false;   // 2
        var i: u8 = 0;
        while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
            points[i].x = rnd.int(i8);                                            // 3
            points[i].y = rnd.int(i8);
        addr_ptr.* = @ptrToInt(points.ptr);                                       // 4             
        len_ptr.* = len;             
        return true;

    As you can see, we

    1. randomly generate length of the collection
    2. allocate memory for a slice of Points
    3. iterate over the slice and randomly assign coordinates
    4. set a memory address of the collection and collection length as "out" params values

    Returning to Ruby. We use FFI::Pointer to access the passed collection.

    addr, len  = addr_ptr[:value], len_ptr[:value]
    points_ptr = FFI::Pointer.new(Point.size, addr)

    Having a pointer to the collection, we can get points:

    first_point  = Point.new(points_ptr[0])
    second_point = Point.new(points_ptr[1])
    x, y         = first_point[:x], first_point[:y]

    The only missing piece is freeing the memory passed to Ruby from Zig. It is a separate Zig function. On Ruby side it looks like:

    attach_function :freePoints, [:ulong, :uchar], :void


    PointsLib.freePoints addr, len

    On Zig side it is just:

    export fn freePoints(points_ptr: [*]Point, len: u8) void {

    A completed Ruby method which returns an array of [x, y] arrays is written as:

      def self.coordinates
        addr_ptr = ULongPtr.new
        len_ptr  = UCharPtr.new
        PointsLib.generatePoints(addr_ptr, len_ptr) or raise("Error in Zig")
        addr, len  = addr_ptr[:value], len_ptr[:value]
        points_ptr = FFI::Pointer.new(Point.size, addr)
        coords = (0...len).map do |i|
          point = Point.new(points_ptr[i])
          [point[:x], point[:y]]
        PointsLib.freePoints addr, len

    That is pretty much it. There are probably many other ways to implement the same functionality. You can play with FFI::ManagedStruct to get rid of an explicit PointsLib.freePoints call. Or you can allocate memory on Ruby side and pass it to Zig to fill up with random points. In this post, we will limit ourselves to only one approach.

    As a recap. We generated a random number of structures on Zig side, returned and used them on Ruby side and freed allocated memory in the end.

    Source code is available on Github.


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  2. 2021 has more distinctly manifested those tectonic shifts in the world that began in in 2020. I look into the future with a mixture of curiosity and feeling of danger. But my blog is not about such global things.

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